iRockout February 2014

My audio love for February:

Sara Bareilles


Sara B has been my favorite female vocalist for quite some time now and I find her to be sassy, classy, and talented beyond belief. She’s not new to the music business but I can honestly say I love all of her albums and have been lucky enough to have seen her live in San Francisco a few years ago. Her last album, The Blessed Unrest, has one song that is sure to be pumping through everyone’s speakers this Valentine’s Day. I remember the first time I heard I Choose You in the summer of 2013 and instantly knew this would be a contender for a potential wedding song for some day (first plan, then find man…right? Haha) I am such a sap but I literally was teary eyed from how beautiful I found the lyrics to be. The song is a great reminder of how love is a choice. Yes we can argue the heart wants what the heart wants, but I think to really love somebody through their good and bad days, you have to choose to be their person regardless of their faults and mistakes. Now that is true love. I am actually kind of bummed that it is so popular now because it is sure to be played continuously this wedding season. Oh well. Happy love month!

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